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Can Bitcoin Drop to Zero?

Sep 12, 2024
  1. Pessimistic Projections
  2. Bitcoin's Reality and Resilience
  3. Risks and Potential Scenarios

Bitcoin has experienced many ups and downs since the release of its first white paper by creator Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009. But can it actually drop to zero?

Pessimistic Projections

Legendary investor Warren Buffett and stockbroker Peter Schiff are some of the loudest critics of Bitcoin, predicting its downfall. However, according to Jonathan Isaac, Chief Marketing Officer at CoinMarketCap, Bitcoin hitting zero is theoretically possible but highly unlikely without some catastrophic event.

Bitcoin's Reality and Resilience

Isaac points out that given the size and global nature of the Bitcoin community, it's hard to imagine everyone selling off at once. 'People use Bitcoin for storing value, making payments, and as a hedge against traditional finance. As long as it's useful, it will be valuable,' he adds. There are 46 million unique Bitcoin wallet addresses according to Exploding Topics. Companies like Tesla and MicroStrategy, which added Bitcoin to their treasuries, further strengthen its resilience.

Risks and Potential Scenarios

Another potential scenario is extreme regulatory measures or a coordinated global ban. However, Isaac considers this unlikely. Two countries, El Salvador and the Central African Republic, have already adopted Bitcoin as legal tender. Isaac mentions more ‘far-fetched’ scenarios like an irremediable vulnerability in the Bitcoin protocol or advances in quantum computing that could make Bitcoin's cryptography obsolete.

Despite ongoing debates, Bitcoin will likely always exist in one form or another. According to Lyn Alden, an investment researcher and founder of Lyn Alden Investment Strategy, for Bitcoin to drop to zero, it would require a critical bug or exploit. Even then, it would probably survive through a remaining fork. Scenarios where Bitcoin completely disappears are unlikely, and as long as there are supporters, its value will never drop to zero.


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