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Court Recognition of Two Cryptocurrencies as Commodities

Jul 4, 2024

Cryptocurrency Victory in Court

The debate surrounding the classification of altcoins as either commodities or securities persists within US institutions, despite some concessions by the SEC. A recent landmark decision emerged, shifting the discourse on the status of altcoins.

An Illinois court sided with the CFTC's position on the categorization of two cryptocurrencies, Olympus (OHM) and KlimaDAO (KLIMA). In a ruling by the Northern District of Illinois Judge, these altcoins were officially acknowledged as commodities.

Olympus (OHM) and KlimaDAO (KLIMA)

A case involving Sam Ikurti and Jafia, his company, unfolded with the CFTC labeling the setup as a Ponzi scheme. In the 2022 lawsuit, Ikurti and his associate Ravishankar Avadanam faced allegations of fraudulent activities. Avadanam settled with the institution, leading to the case proceeding solely against Ikurti.

Under the guise of promising returns of up to 15%, the company amassed $44 million from investors via YouTube, directing all funds towards the acquisition of OHM and KLIMA Tokens. Judge Mary Rowland supported the CFTC's stance that Jafia and its entity engaged in fraudulence, solidifying the commodities status of the two cryptocurrencies.

The offenders are now mandated to reimburse $120 million. The significance lies in the formal recognition of OHM and Klima as commodities. The CFTC emphasized:

"The ruling extends beyond the acknowledgment of Bitcoin and Ethereum as commodities within the CFTC's purview to encompass OHM and Klima as additional virtual currencies classified as commodities."

Despite significant market activity, the value of the two altcoins remained stable. While the SEC predominantly categorizes altcoins as securities, the CFTC views cryptocurrencies as commodities. The implementation of the FIT21 legislation will enhance the CFTC's oversight in this domain.


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