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Criticism of Polkadot Ecosystem by Manta Network Co-Founder

Jul 2, 2024

The co-founder of Manta Network, a project within the Polkadot ecosystem, has publicly criticized the ecosystem for its alleged toxicity and lack of substantial support for builders, particularly Asian founders. The co-founder, who previously led a significant project in the Polkadot ecosystem, expressed a strong aversion to engaging with the Polkadot ecosystem and its team. Describing it as highly toxic and devoid of real value for web3, he emphasized the ecosystem's failure to prioritize users and adoption.

Moreover, the co-founder accused the Polkadot team of discriminating against Asian developers, pointing out skewed grant allocations that favored European and American projects over Asian initiatives. He indicated that Asian founders faced undisclosed discrimination within the ecosystem, a sentiment echoed by others in the Asian founder community.

Criticism extended to the leadership of Polkadot, with the co-founder calling for more substantial support from figures like Gavin Wood to assist builders effectively. He criticized the team for lacking the capacity to provide genuine decentralized support and emphasized the importance of dedicated efforts to support builders within the ecosystem.

Consequently, the co-founder announced that Manta Network would shift its focus away from Polkadot towards other ecosystems such as Ethereum L2, Solana, and Bitcoin. The decision was motivated by perceptions of the Polkadot ecosystem as stagnant, prompting a strategic move to more active environments. The co-founder urged developers still within the Polkadot ecosystem to consider transitioning to more vibrant platforms like Solana, Ethereum, and Bitcoin.

Highlighting disparities in participation, the co-founder referenced the Polkadot Academy event in Hong Kong, dominated by non-Asian attendees despite its location in Asia. He noted the underrepresentation of Asian participants, underscoring broader issues of inclusivity and diversity within the ecosystem.

While committing to deliver on the promised parachain for Polkadot, the co-founder reiterated the pivot towards ecosystems offering greater support. Affirming a dedication to fulfilling existing commitments and continuing innovative projects, he emphasized the imperative of addressing discrimination against hardworking Asian builders, particularly in challenging market conditions.


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