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Crypto Price Prediction: The EXACT Day Altcoins Are Set to EXPLODE

Aug 31, 2024
  1. Understanding Micro Cycles
  2. Evidence from Past Cycles: 2017 and 2021
  3. Bitcoin’s Role and Altcoin Peaks

Expert Alexander Lorenzo shares his opinion on the future of altcoins. He analyzed historical cryptocurrency cycles and made a forecast for the future. Lorenzo claims that the current time presents unique opportunities for capital creation and overcoming poverty.

Understanding Micro Cycles

Alexander Lorenzo began his analysis with an in-depth look at the details within the broader altcoin cycle, emphasizing the role of specific narratives that drive smaller micro cycles. He noted that some altcoins go parabolic first, while others follow later. This understanding helps investors maximize profits by cycling gains from one altcoin to another. Lorenzo stresses that if you lack capital, focusing on these outlier opportunities can lead to significant profit increases.

Evidence from Past Cycles: 2017 and 2021

Lorenzo backs up his claims with historical data, showing the astronomical returns of various altcoins during the 2017 and 2021 cycles. For instance, in 2017, altcoins like Dash and XMR saw gains of up to 253,000% in just over 450 days. In 2021, similar results were demonstrated by coins like HEX, which increased in value by 900,000%. This evidence solidifies his belief that no other asset class can match cryptocurrency's potential returns.

Bitcoin’s Role and Altcoin Peaks

Lorenzo discusses the relationship between Bitcoin’s halving cycles and altcoin peaks, noting that altcoins often experience two peaks – one after Bitcoin’s first top and another following its second top. This trend was especially evident in coins like Gala Games and Shiba Inu. However, some altcoins, such as Dogecoin and Rune, performed better during Bitcoin’s first top. Lorenzo explains that altcoin performance within these cycles is influenced by market narratives and social media.

Lorenzo cautions against the common practice of “hodling” (holding onto assets long-term), arguing that many investors lose money by not selling at the right time. He advises taking profits and investing them in real assets like real estate rather than blindly holding onto cryptocurrencies. Skeptical about mindless holding, he emphasizes the need for active trading and strategic selling to maximize profits.


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