Telegram has become an increasingly popular target for crypto scams utilizing sophisticated malware techniques. Scam Sniffer has documented a significant rise in such incidents between November and January.
Details on Threats and Their Impact
While traditional phishing scams remain steady, the rise in malware scams indicates a new and serious threat. Telegram, widely used by crypto traders, attracts scammers employing fake verification bots and fraudulent groups.
Once victims engage with these entities, their devices become infected with malware, granting hackers access to sensitive information. Scam Sniffer advises traders to be cautious of unverified groups and bots.
Crypto Scams and Seed Phrase Traps
Cybercriminals deploy deceptive schemes to trap opportunists attempting to raid cryptocurrency wallets. The scheme involves multi-signature wallets requiring approvals from multiple parties, preventing transaction of funds even after fee payments.
Kaspersky identified operations drawing victims through Telegram links to legitimate crypto exchanges.
Rising Crypto Scam Cases
Kaspersky's Sytnik advises against accessing others' crypto wallets, even if a seed phrase is offered, due to the high risks. He urges skepticism towards strangers' online claims, especially if they seem too good to be true.
This highlights the ever-evolving tactics of scams, where greed meets ingenuity. Vigilance and ethical behavior are the best defense against such schemes.
The surge in malware-based scams highlights the need for vigilance and safeguarding personal information in the crypto world. Telegram users and traders in particular should exercise caution and ensure their devices' security.