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Study Reveals Negative Impact of Cryptocurrency Trading on Academics

Sep 24, 2024
  1. Crypto Trading and Gambling Behavior
  2. Stress Factors for Crypto Traders
  3. Strategies to Mitigate Stress

A recent study published in the *Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics* has revealed that academics who trade cryptocurrency report significantly lower quality of life, increased stress, and poorer sleep compared to their non-trading peers. The cross-sectional survey, which included 437 participants from a state university in Turkey, found that crypto traders scored worse across all health metrics.

Crypto Trading and Gambling Behavior

These findings align with earlier research that links cryptocurrency trading with gambling tendencies. A review in *Addictive Behaviors* found that crypto traders often share characteristics with high-risk stock traders and problem gamblers, highlighting the similarities between the 24/7 volatile nature of crypto markets and gambling.

Stress Factors for Crypto Traders

Several factors contribute to the stress experienced by crypto traders. A study published in *The Journal of Finance* revealed that 70-80% of day traders lose money over time, which can exacerbate stress, particularly for those using leverage. Additionally, traders often lack the advanced tools available to professionals, leading to information asymmetry and emotional decision-making, both of which contribute to mental exhaustion. The ongoing nature of crypto markets—unlike traditional stock markets—also prevents traders from taking necessary breaks, further increasing the risk of burnout.

Strategies to Mitigate Stress

Mental health experts suggest several strategies to mitigate the stress caused by crypto trading. These include setting limits on the time spent monitoring prices, sticking to a budget, and engaging in non-crypto-related activities to maintain a sense of balance. Additionally, traders are encouraged to seek support from like-minded communities, which can help alleviate stress through shared experiences.

As crypto trading continues to attract individuals unfamiliar with the demands of the trading world, the need for greater awareness and mental health support within the community is more urgent than ever.


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