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European Central Bank Promotes Digital Euro

Sep 24, 2024
  1. The Main Benefits of a Digital Euro
  2. Finalizing the Rulebook
  3. ECB Representatives' Comments

The European Central Bank (ECB) is pushing for the adoption of a digital euro, which its representatives believe will bolster Europe's competitiveness and strengthen its single market and sovereignty.

The Main Benefits of a Digital Euro

Piero Cipollone, an executive committee member of the ECB, noted that businesses and Europeans are incurring significant costs using international card circuits like Visa and Mastercard. He pointed out the advantages of a digital euro, including reducing Europe's reliance on foreign payment platforms and enhancing the region's financial resilience. Cipollone also highlighted that a digital euro would be beneficial to small businesses and merchants, who often struggle to secure better conditions from payment providers. Additionally, a digital euro will promote financial inclusion by being accessible through both a mobile app and a physical card.

Finalizing the Rulebook

The digital euro project has been in development for several years, with the ECB promoting the idea by stating it will benefit all stakeholders in the region. Cipollone revealed that the bank is finalizing the rulebook for the digital euro project and addressing technical aspects. The ECB is also in the process of selecting partners to develop the digital euro platform and infrastructure.

ECB Representatives' Comments

Cipollone assured that the digital euro would offer the best possible data protection with current technology used by large payment systems. He emphasized that ensuring user privacy has been a central focus of the digital euro project from the outset.

The European Central Bank is advancing the digital euro project, highlighting its significance in strengthening Europe's financial sovereignty and competitiveness. A decision on the next phase of the project is expected next year.


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