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Elon Musk Drops Lawsuit Against OpenAI

Jun 12, 2024

Elon Musk has decided to drop the lawsuit against OpenAI, as indicated in court filings dated June 11. One filing revealed that Musk, in his capacity as the plaintiff, filed a notice of dismissal and proof of service. Another filing noted the dismissal of the case without prejudice, giving Musk the option to potentially refile it later. A report by CNBC on the same day highlighted that the Superior Court of California of the County of San Francisco had planned a hearing for June 12, which was subsequently called off following Musk's withdrawal of the lawsuit.

Overview of the Legal Dispute

On February 29, Musk lodged a lawsuit against OpenAI, its co-founder and CEO, Sam Altman, and several other individuals associated with the company. Musk levied various allegations, including breach of contract and engagement in unfair competition. The lawsuit contended that OpenAI had shifted its focus from developing AI for the betterment of humanity to a profit-driven strategy. It also alleged that OpenAI had transitioned to a closed-source model and had essentially become a subsidiary of its primary funder and collaborator, Microsoft.

In response to the lawsuit, OpenAI issued a public statement in March, claiming that Musk had acknowledged the need for a for-profit model. The company stated its intention to request the court to dismiss the case at that juncture.

Musk played a fundamental role in the establishment of OpenAI and served on the company's board until 2018. He now heads xAI, a rival entity emphasizing goals oriented towards advancing humanity. In May, xAI secured $6 billion in funding, boosting its valuation to $24 billion.


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