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Environmental Impact of Big Tech Companies vs Bitcoin Mining Activities

Jul 4, 2024

Environmental Impact of Big Tech Companies vs Bitcoin Mining Activities

In recent years, the carbon emissions generated by Big Tech companies have surpassed the collective emissions from all Bitcoin mining activities dating back to 2014. Amazon, as a single entity, emits more CO2 annually than the entire global Bitcoin mining sector. This revelation sheds light on the escalating environmental ramifications caused by tech giants in tandem with the proliferation of AI-driven products.

Since 2019, major U.S. tech corporations have started disclosing their carbon footprints, unveiling a scope larger than Bitcoin's estimated 65.4 million metric tons of CO2 emissions per year in 2022. Amazon, for instance, reported a staggering 71.54 million metric tons of CO2 emissions in 2021, surpassing the cumulative emissions of Google and Microsoft, which added 14.3 and 15.3 million metric tons respectively in 2023. When combined, the annual emissions from these tech behemoths exceed 100 million tons, excluding potential growth and Apple's additional 15.6 million tons.

A comparison between the emissions of these tech giants and Bitcoin mining highlights the substantial disparity in their environmental impacts. The energy requirements of data centers supporting AI, Bitcoin mining, and cloud computing are notably similar, underscoring the significant carbon footprint left by tech companies. Despite Bitcoin mining's reputation for high energy consumption, the emissions from Big Tech have notably outweighed it since 2019.


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