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ETHWarsaw 2024: Web3 Conference and Hackathon in Warsaw

Aug 21, 2024
  1. Responsible Innovation in Web3
  2. Key Tracks and Speakers
  3. 48-Hour Hackathon and Prizes

ETHWarsaw, a web3 conference and hackathon organized by Ethereum enthusiasts, is set to return from September 5th to 8th, 2024 in Warsaw, Poland. The event will once again bring together a global community of builders, founders, and educators in the web3 space.

Responsible Innovation in Web3

Amidst bull market hype, the conference highlights the importance of responsible innovation and building quality products. "After two successful editions, we’ve found a formula that works and grows organically each year. That's why we're maintaining the same format and keeping the audience size intimate, especially since recent feedback suggests that as events grow in size, the quality can suffer," said Paulina Joskow, co-founder of ETHWarsaw.

Key Tracks and Speakers

This year's conference will feature four main tracks: 'Infrastructure and Scalability', 'Security and Resilience', 'Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Innovations', and 'Mass Adoption'. Notable speakers include Marek Olszewski from Celo, Anastasia Melachrinos from Kaiko, Kevin Jones from BuidlGuidl, and Omar Espejel from Starknet.

48-Hour Hackathon and Prizes

The 48-hour hackathon will kick off on Friday evening, offering participants the opportunity to gain hands-on experience with cutting-edge applications and tools. The prize pool amounts to approximately $50,000. Returning sponsors for ETHWarsaw 2024 include AlephZero, Golem, Arweave, Optimism, RedStone, Starknet, Celo, Request Network, and Scroll.

ETHWarsaw 2024 will be held at a new venue, Browary Warszawskie, located in Warsaw's vibrant Wola district. The event promises to be a significant gathering in the web3 world, bringing together professionals and newcomers to exchange ideas and advance technology.


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