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European Central Bank's Progress on Digital Euro Project

Jun 24, 2024

European Central Bank's Progress on Digital Euro Project

The European Central Bank (ECB) has recently released an updated report outlining the advancements made in the digital euro project since its inception in November 2023. This phase is geared towards building upon previous achievements and setting the foundation for potential issuance by October 2025.

The current primary focus lies in finalizing the rulebook and appointing vendors to facilitate the development of the required platform and infrastructure.

During a recent event, Ripple's advisor to the CBDC, Anthony Welfare, shared insights on the essential features and the continuous development of the digital euro project. He highlighted substantial advancements in areas such as privacy for both online and offline transactions, the enhancement of offline functionality, and the establishment of a standardized framework for digital euro payments.

Notably, privacy measures for online digital euro transactions ensure that the Eurosystem, serving as the issuer and payment infrastructure provider, cannot directly associate transactions with specific individuals. Offline privacy remains a priority, with only the payer and payee having access to transaction details in offline settings.

Moreover, the offline capability of the new currency enables users to conduct transactions without an internet connection after preloading their digital euro accounts through online channels or at ATMs.

Welfare's statements reflect Ripple's substantial contribution to the initiative, evidenced by the company's role as a Gold Sponsor at the Digital Euro Conference held in February. The conference delved into crucial aspects such as design, legal implications, and cross-border payments relating to the forthcoming innovation.


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