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Europol's Concerns on Crypto Mining and Emerging Blockchain Technologies

Jun 11, 2024

The European law enforcement agency, Europol, has expressed reservations regarding crypto mining and emerging blockchain technologies like layer-2 solutions, stating that these innovations pose obstacles for law enforcement inquiries. Europol's detailed analysis revealed how criminals utilize crypto mining to launder illegal proceeds, leveraging mining operations to obscure earnings and engaging in suspicious activities within mining pools. The agency flagged instances where mining schemes were exploited for fraudulent activities, illustrating the challenges law enforcement faces in tracking criminal activities. Europol also raised alarms about the cryptocurrency landscape's evolution, particularly the adoption of zero-knowledge proofs and layer-2 applications, complicating fund tracing efforts. Additionally, the report highlighted the complexities of recovering criminal wallets due to the SLIP39 standard used in hardware crypto wallets, presenting further challenges for law enforcement agencies.


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