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Expanding Opportunities in Cryptocurrency Trading

Jun 28, 2024

The Latest Development in Cryptocurrency Trading

Bitget, a prominent cryptocurrency exchange and Web3 company, recently disclosed its decision to incorporate Avail Project's AVAIL tokens in pre-market token sales for its clientele. This inclusion allows Bitget users to engage in buying and selling transactions with AVAIL tokens before their official launch.

Understanding Avail's Role in Web3 Expansion

Avail is spearheading the integration of Web3 through the Unification Layer, which aims to create a secure, scalable, and interconnected environment for end users within the ecosystem. The AVAIL token stands as a pivotal component in this structure, offering various utilities and advantages to its holders. Avail's Data Availability (DA) solution facilitates cost-effective, expandable blobspace, bringing the concept of a unified Web3 closer to reality. With Avail's DA, numerous rollups can emerge, enabling the construction of the internet of value by composing application-specific rollups and Dapps on general-purpose rollups.

Bitget's Strategic Pre-market Platform

Bitget's Pre-market platform serves as a strategic tool for traders and investors seeking early access to promising tokens like AVAIL. By enabling users to trade these tokens before their broader market release, Bitget aims to offer a comprehensive solution catering to both novice and seasoned traders. This feature empowers users to participate in early trading activities, potentially leveraging market movements before the wider audience.

Bitget's Extensive Range of Offerings

Since its inception in April 2024, Bitget's Pre-market platform has provided users with early access to several renowned projects, including EigenLayer (EIGEN), Merlin Chain (MERL), Renzo (REZ), BounceBit (BB), Meson Network (MSN), Zerolend (ZERO), Notcoin (NOT), ZeroLayer (ZRO), and ZkSync (ZKSYNC). With the integration of Avail (AVAIL) tokens, Bitget continues to expand its array of offerings, granting users opportunities to invest in new and innovative projects.

Bitget's Position in the Crypto Market

Focused on offering users access to popular and valuable projects, Bitget now ranks among the top 10 cryptocurrency spot trading platforms, boasting over 900 coins and 1000+ pairs. In the crypto derivatives market, Bitget maintains its leadership position, evidenced by its Open Interest (OI) indicator surpassing $6 billion last month, capturing a significant 25% market share. Notably, in the previous 30 days, Bitget recorded the highest monthly inflow among all centralized exchanges, amounting to $1.3 billion in new capital, solidifying its standing as an industry frontrunner.

For Further Information

To explore more about AVAIL tokens on Bitget's Pre-market platform, users can access detailed information on the official website.

Insights into Bitget

Established in 2018, Bitget has emerged as a leading cryptocurrency exchange and Web3 entity, catering to a vast user base spanning 100+ countries and regions. The Bitget exchange is dedicated to enhancing users' trading experiences through innovative features like copy trading and other trading solutions. Under the alias BitKeep, Bitget Wallet functions as a premier multi-chain crypto wallet, offering a suite of comprehensive Web3 services such as wallet functionalities, swaps, an NFT Marketplace, a DApp browser, and more. Collaborations with distinguished figures like Lionel Messi and prominent athletes further reinforce Bitget's mission to encourage widespread adoption of cryptocurrencies.

For additional information, users can visit the official Bitget website.


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