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Explanation of Stride and Namada Integration in Multichain Liquid Staking Protocol

Jun 1, 2024

Integration of Stride with Namada for Enhanced Data Protection

On May 30, 2024, the multichain liquid staking protocol Stride revealed its partnership with Namada, a shielded asset hub that incentivizes users to safeguard the multichain ecosystem. As a prominent liquid staking solution within the Cosmos/IBC environment, Stride's integration with Namada is praised for introducing top-tier data security measures for all liquid staked tokens (LSTs) users.

The implementation of this integration empowers holders of Stride's LSTs to leverage their tokens and experience the utmost level of personal data security. Through Namada's multi-asset shielded pool (MASP), holders of Stride LSTs gain the opportunity to earn NAM shielding rewards by safeguarding their data and reinforcing Namada's shielded asset pool.

This cutting-edge technology guarantees enhanced data protection by allowing individuals to hold and transact tokens and NFTs while retaining complete control over the sharing of their personally identifiable information. Moreover, users can shield their data even during interactions with transparent blockchains and when creating new accounts.

Significantly, major LST holders are eligible for Namada shielding rewards in NAM tokens, enabling them to receive staking rewards and shielding rewards concurrently on the same assets, all while benefiting from superior data protection assurances.

John Galt, a contributor to Stride, emphasized the synergistic collaboration between Namada and Stride protocol. He highlighted that users of Stride LSTs will earn staking rewards on their Cosmos tokens while leveraging Namada's shielded pool to collect NAM shielding rewards.

Commenting on the integration, Dieter Fishbein, the CCO of Heliax, a key developer of Namada, expressed excitement about enabling Namada shielding for all Stride LST users. He emphasized that this partnership is a significant stride towards bringing data protection features to the decentralized finance (DeFi) space, not only within Cosmos but also across the wider crypto ecosystem.

Namada's MASP, which operates on a Zero Knowledge circuit, offers functionalities akin to zcash but with the versatility to support any asset. This unique capability enables Namada to deliver modular data protection features to any existing blockchain network or decentralized application, including support for shielded cross-chain transfers. Additionally, as more assets are held shielded, Namada's data protection capabilities elevate, while users are rewarded for enhancing data security for the entire ecosystem.

While staking tokens are crucial elements of DeFi, the conventional staking process restricts their utilization in other DeFi protocols. However, Liquid Staked Tokens (LSTs) solve this limitation by allowing users to earn staking rewards while still using their tokens as collateral. Consequently, Stride's highly efficient LSTs align well with Namada's shielded set, enabling users to keep their tokens shielded on Namada to potentially earn NAM shielding rewards, all while generating staking rewards simultaneously.

About Stride:

Stride stands out as the premier provider of liquid staking within the Cosmos blockchain ecosystem, encompassing platforms such as Celestia, dYdX, Osmosis, and Cosmos Hub. The widespread integration of Stride's liquid staked tokens in Cosmos DeFi underscores its prominence and impact in the blockchain space.

About Namada:

Namada serves as a shielded asset hub that incentivizes users to protec...


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