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Exploring the Kafkaesque in the World of Cryptocurrency

Jun 4, 2024

Disclosure: The opinions and perspectives expressed in this article are solely those of the author and do not reflect the views of' editorial team.

In this edition of the #hearsay column, Dorian Batycka commemorates the 100th anniversary of the death of the Bohemian writer Franz Kafka on June 3, 1924. Delving into a literary exploration of the most 'Kafkaesque' moments within the realm of cryptocurrency, the narrative unfolds.

Crypto and the Kafkaesque | Opinion - Image 1

Imagine a realm where individuals find themselves entangled in perplexing and irrational circumstances, confronted by insurmountable faceless bureaucracies wielding omnipotent yet indifferent authority. This surreal distortion of reality epitomizes the concept of 'Kafkaesque,' inspired by the works of Franz Kafka, a prominent German-speaking Bohemian writer. Through iconic literary pieces like 'The Trial' (1914), 'The Castle' (1922), and 'The Metamorphosis' (1912), Kafka's narratives have emerged as cornerstone texts in modern literature, portraying protagonists ensnared in existential dread and futility. Notably, these Kafkaesque themes resonate deeply in the tumultuous and often dystopian domain of cryptocurrency, where the aspiration for financial emancipation frequently meets paradox and disillusionment.

Wojak, Cryptocurrency, and the Kafkaesque

In 1922, Franz Kafka penned 'A Hunger Artist,' published in 1924, the year of his tragic demise due to complications from laryngeal tuberculosis. The narrative of Kafka's final tale revolves around a professional hunger artist who showcases prolonged fasting as an art form, captivating audiences intrigued by his self-imposed suffering. Despite the artist's unwavering dedication, he undergoes gradual marginalization and obscurity as public interest dwindles, culminating in his eventual downfall.

This poignant scenario closely mirrors the journey of cryptocurrency's emblematic figure, the wojak. Representing the typical McDonald's night manager fixated on swift wealth accumulation, the wojak's relentless pursuit resembles a hazardous obsession akin to gambling. Submerged in the volatile and isolating realm of crypto trading and investment, the wojak perpetually grapples with profound losses and disillusionment. Just as hunger defines Kafka's artist, the meager ramen noodles packets symbolize the plight of the laboring wage earner striving for riches through a Solana meme coin—truly a strikingly Kafkaesque parallel.

Crypto and the Kafkaesque | Opinion - Image 2

Satoshi Nakamoto as Joseph K.

Setting aside self-revelations, let's pivot to explore the term 'Kafkaesque' not through the narrative of the wojak but via the crypto pioneer himself, Satoshi Nakamoto. In 'The Castle' (1922) by Kafka, the protagonist K. confronts a cryptic and impenetrable bureaucratic authority—reminiscent of Satoshi's enigmatic persona. Synonymous with Kafka's reflections on the dubious nature of governments, Satoshi emphasizes the skepticism towards official narratives, asserting his rights with determination.

In 'The Trial,' Kafka paints a grim picture of the protagonist's arrest. Despite Joseph K.'s innocence, he becomes a victim of fabricated accusations, arrested one fateful morning without cause. This scenario mirrors the harsh reality of a system imposing consequences on individuals striving to revolutionize it, such as Satoshi or even CZ. The ongoing absence of regulatory clarity in the crypto sphere, from the proposed legislation in the EU like MiCA, has fostered widespread confusion on the continent. Similarly, the perplexing legislative landscape in the United States, compounded by recent shifts in stance by political figures like Joe Biden and Donald Trump, adds to the intricate web of Kafkaesque challenges within the crypto domain.

KafkaCrypto: Pondering a New Technological and Doomer Theory

Lastly, contemplate the essence of paradox, the pinnacle of all Kafkaesque circumstances—a notion suggesting that two seemingly conflicting truths can coexist. While cryptocurrency aimed to circumvent traditional financial structures and regulations, the maturation of the market has engendered a demand for regulatory measures to combat fraud, safeguard consumers, and ensure market stability. Frequently camouflaged under anti-money laundering (AML) initiatives, these regulations starkly contrast privacy-centric tools like Monero or Tornado Cash.

Yet, a paradoxical conundrum emerges, where the decentralized ethos of the crypto world increasingly clashes with the centralized systems it sought to disrupt. Recent declarations by nations like China and Russia endorsing central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), alongside pervasive state surveillance and control, embody the paradox of entrusting crypto to authoritarian governments while preserving encrypted financial autonomy—a truly Kafkaesque dilemma.

Reflecting on Kafka's profound insight into the illusory essence of justice, it echoes in the realm of modern crypto discourse. Embracing concepts like effective altruism prevalent in contemporary crypto circles, epitomized by figures like Sam Bankman Fried, underscores the 'scamming for the greater good' philosophy inherent in crypto capitalism.

At its core, cryptocurrency advocates for financial independence and individual sovereignty over economic identities. Yet, as we commemorate a century since Kafka's passing, the Kafkaesque traits embedded in the crypto sector become all the more apparent. From the enigmatic figure of Satoshi Nakamoto to the downtrodden wojak, navigating through the unsettling landscape of crypto scams and the juxtaposition of decentralization and regulation, the illusion of autonomy serves as a poignant indicator of the inherent complexities within the crypto realm. As Kafka eloquently conveyed, 'Every revolution dissolves, leaving behind the slime of a new bureaucracy,' a sentiment echoing profoundly in the enduring narrative of crypto's evolution.


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