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France's Central Bank Faces Unprecedented €17.7 Billion Loss in 2024

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by Giorgi Kostiuk

4 days ago

In 2024, the Bank of France finds itself facing an unprecedented financial situation, recording an operating loss of €17.7 billion. This loss highlights the deep vulnerabilities within the European financial system, exacerbated by inflation, rising interest rates, and public debt management.

The source of the colossal loss

The Bank of France recorded a loss of €17.7 billion in 2024 due to the management of its government bond portfolio amid fluctuating interest rates. Reasons for the loss include massive purchases of low-yield bonds during the crisis, a gap between interest rates of assets and liabilities, insufficient yields, and uncompensated losses. These factors explain the nature and extent of the loss and highlight the vulnerabilities within the European financial system.

The implications for the state and prospects

The situation raises major concerns regarding French public finances. The net loss of €7.7 billion in 2024 prevents the Banque de France from paying dividends to the State, reducing available resources. Although partially offset by reserves, the loss shows a critical trend that began in 2023 with a deficit of €12.4 billion. Financial authorities expect losses to decrease in 2025 if economic conditions improve.

Long-term impact and analysis

Recurring losses may force the State to reassess its economic priorities, potentially leading to adjustments in budgetary policy. The loss underscores weaknesses in the European economic system and questions the sustainability of current monetary policy. The ongoing uncertainty regarding interest rate changes and their impact on public finances prompts serious consideration of the future of the welfare state and the management of public finances in France.

The Bank of France's losses in 2024 reveal significant vulnerabilities in the European financial system, necessitating a reassessment of debt management strategies and highlighting the need for a sustainable economic approach amidst a changing economic landscape.



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