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Growth of Polymarket in Predictions Markets

Jul 1, 2024

Growth of Polymarket in Predictions Markets

Polymarket, the decentralized predictions platform, has achieved a momentous milestone with over $100 million in monthly trading volume recorded in June. This exponential surge was largely stimulated by the escalating bets placed on the forthcoming 2024 US presidential election.

The platform currently accommodates a notable sum of $203.3 million in bets distributed throughout 17 prediction markets concentrating on the 'Presidential Election Winner 2024'. Noteworthy among the contenders is former President Donald Trump, with a 62% likelihood of triumph as per betting trends, with a cumulated total of $24.7 million in bets both for and against his potential victory.

Conversely, the prospects for the incumbent President, Joe Biden, witnessed a decline from 34% to 21% subsequent to a contentious development on June 28. Speculation is rife in the betting spheres regarding possible exits from the electoral race, with substantial amounts gambled on the likelihood of Biden withdrawing before July 4.

Positioned on the Polygon side of Ethereum, Polymarket observed a marked escalation in trading volume, soaring to $111.5 million in June exclusively, a substantial leap from previous months.

This escalation highlights the burgeoning fascination with Polymarket as a platform for forecasting outcomes not limited to political events but extending to cryptocurrencies and sporting spectacles like the upcoming UEFA European Football Championship 2024.

Founded in June 2020, Polymarket recently secured a significant $70 million in funding. Its niche in decentralized prediction markets has attracted attention for providing unprejudiced information immune to external influences.

Yuga Cohler, an engineering lead at Coinbase, lauded the instrumental role of prediction markets on the Polymarket platform in unveiling truths and stimulating transparent dialogues.

The triumph of Polymarket signifies a prevailing trend of mounting intrigue in decentralized prediction markets facilitating users to speculate on event results using actual currency.


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