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Delta Prime Hacked, $5.93 Million Lost

Sep 16, 2024
  1. Attack Details
  2. Targets of the Attack
  3. Risks for Other Blockchains

Delta Prime, a prominent brokerage based on Arbitrum and Avalanche, has been hacked. It is reported that $5.93 million have been lost as a result.

Attack Details

According to a famous blockchain security tracking platform, Delta Prime recorded several suspicious transactions on the Arbitrum chain, leading to a potential loss of the private key control. Initially, the loss was $4.5 million but has now increased to $5.93 million, indicating that the attack is still ongoing.

Targets of the Attack

Cyvers Alerts reported this incident on its official social media account on X, noting that the event might lead to catastrophic consequences. A malicious address has been draining funds from several pools, including $DPBTCb, $DPARB, and $DPUSDC. The attacker is likely converting the $USDC tokens to $ETH to increase liquidity or to conceal tracks before moving the funds.

Risks for Other Blockchains

The security breach seems critical as the exploiter continues to exploit the pools on Arbitrum. Additionally, Cyvers Alerts issued a caution to other blockchain projects, advising them to take necessary precautions to protect their assets from similar breaches.

The hack on Delta Prime highlights the importance of taking precautions to protect assets on blockchain platforms.


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