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The Future of Content Generation: AI and New Competition

Aug 20, 2024
  1. Impact of AI on the Content Market
  2. Challenges of Web 2.0 Models
  3. CEEK: Prospects with Blockchain Technologies

The landscape of content creation is undergoing significant changes with the advent of AI. As AI-generated content emerges, companies and creators face new challenges.

Impact of AI on the Content Market

The content market is experiencing an unprecedented surge in AI-generated materials. Companies like McDonald’s are already releasing AI-created ads, and AI influencers are gaining brand popularity. The intensified competition for ad dollars is posing challenges for traditional content creators.

Challenges of Web 2.0 Models

Web 2.0 platforms were designed primarily to monetize users rather than content creators. This has led to a situation where creators struggle for diminishing ad revenues. With reduced organic reach on social media, high costs for audience engagement, and reliance on alternative monetization methods such as OnlyFans, this model is becoming less attractive for creators.

CEEK: Prospects with Blockchain Technologies

CEEK represents a Web 3.0 platform utilizing blockchain technology to create a secure and transparent content monetization ecosystem. Through global payments, mobile money integration, and multilingual market support, CEEK offers creators opportunities that Web 2.0 platforms lack.

CEEK and new technologies are set to transform the future of content monetization. Creators gain new opportunities for global engagement and monetization, making CEEK a promising leader in digital transformation.


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