From 2020 to 2024, many US cryptocurrency users were excluded from participating in significant airdrops due to strict regulations. This led to significant economic losses for both investors and the state.
Airdrops: Missed Opportunities
Between 2020 and 2024, at least 11 major airdrops distributed $7.16 billion to 1.9 million claimants globally. Because of US regulations, many users were excluded from this opportunity, resulting in potential lost earnings between $1.84 billion and $2.64 billion.
Government Tax Revenue Losses
While hundreds of thousands of investors missed out on earnings, the federal government lost between $525 million and $1.38 billion in potential taxes. These figures do not account for additional capital gains taxes that could have been garnered when tokens were eventually sold.
Broader Context of Crypto Regulation
With increasing pressure from regulators, many crypto projects have ceased offering airdrop opportunities to US citizens. This phenomenon is part of the broader context of complex relations between the cryptocurrency industry and the state, illustrating missed economic opportunities.
Potential earnings from airdrops have been inaccessible to American investors due to strict regulations. Losses have impacted both individuals and the government budget, highlighting the need to adapt and rethink approaches to cryptocurrency regulation in the US.