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How Union Build Can Transform the NFT Market

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by Giorgi Kostiuk

4 hours ago

The decline in NFT market metrics raises questions about the need for new solutions. Union Build promises to provide such solutions through its unique cross-chain platform.

What Is Union Build?

Union is a modular interoperability protocol that facilitates the exchange of digital assets and messages between blockchains and decentralized applications. The protocol includes consensus verification and secure zero-knowledge cryptography, minimizing resource consumption and ensuring safe and low-cost protocol connections.

Union is the future of interoperability.zkGM

How Can Union Build Help The NFT Market?

NFT collections were not meant to be chained to a single ecosystem, but today's platforms are fragmented. Union Build can unite them, enabling cross-chain asset movement and liquidity, eliminating the need for wrapped NFTs and increasing overall liquidity.

Integrating NFTS into Union will be a step further.TooChi (Ø,G)


Union Build offers a significant potential to revive the NFT market. Its ability to unify different ecosystems and provide reliable and secure transactions can contribute to industry growth and sustainable development.

Utilizing protocols like Union Build can be a determining factor in the revival of the NFT market, offering vast opportunities for secure and reliable exchanges.



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