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Impact of US Economic Issues on Bitcoin Prices and Federal Reserve Decisions

May 7, 2024

Fluctuations in Bitcoin prices can be attributed to issues within the US economy. Currently, there is uncertainty in the short term due to weakening economic data and lingering inflation. The Federal Reserve (Fed) initially aimed for a 75bp interest rate cut, but market expectations of a 150bp cut have diminished. The likelihood of a 75bp cut remains uncertain at present.

Fed Statements

Following recent data and the May interest rate decision by the Fed, the significance of statements made by members has grown. Fed Member Kashkari has expressed doubts about the current tightness of interest rates. His statement addresses the lack of progress in inflation and questions whether disinflation is persistent or prolonged. There is also concern about the housing market's resilience to tight monetary policy and its impact on the neutral interest rate.

A potential modest increase in the neutral interest rate estimate from 2% to 2.5% could impact the inflation target. Given the current circumstances, it is doubtful whether the Fed will achieve its 2% inflation target within the expected timeframe.

Fed Interest Rate Decision

This news article was initially published on COINTURK NEWS discussing the impact of US economic issues on Bitcoin prices and Federal Reserve decisions.


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