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Implications of European Parliament Election Results on Crypto & Blockchain Industries

Jun 11, 2024

The European Parliament elections held from June 6 to 9 witnessed participation from over 185 million voters across the 27 member states of the European Union. The outcomes of this crucial event are set to influence the political landscape of the EU for the next five years, with implications for the crypto and blockchain sectors.

The election results revealed a mixed picture: The Christian Democrats secured 10 additional seats, while the Social Democrats maintained their positions, facing a loss of only four seats. In contrast, the pro-business Renew Europe Group experienced a setback, losing 23 seats, and the Greens also suffered a decline, dropping 18 seats. Notably, far-right parties made notable gains in the election.

The stance of various political groups in the European Parliament regarding cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology varies significantly. Here is an overview of the positions taken by some of the key parties:

European People’s Party (EPP) - 186 Seats

The EPP Group, the largest and influential political group in the European Parliament, holds a cautious yet forward-looking approach towards cryptocurrencies, the digital euro, and blockchain technology. The group acknowledges the transformative potential of blockchain and digital currencies in enhancing financial services and economic efficiency. Emphasizing the importance of robust regulatory frameworks to prevent misuse, ensure consumer protection, and maintain financial stability, the EPP supports a balanced approach to crypto asset regulation. Additionally, the party advocates for a more relaxed tax policy for crypto to promote innovation and strengthen Europe's position in the sector. The EPP also recognizes the potential of blockchain technology beyond cryptocurrencies, particularly in improving public administration processes.

Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (S&D) - 135 Seats

The S&D Group takes a cautiously optimistic view on blockchain and cryptocurrencies, acknowledging their potential benefits in promoting financial inclusion and enhancing public services. However, the group places a strong emphasis on stringent rules to combat fraud, money laundering, and tax evasion. It supports the idea of a digital euro as a tool for improving monetary policy efficiency and protecting consumers.

Renew Europe - 79 Seats

Renew Europe, characterized as a centrist and liberal political group, advocates for a robust regulatory framework for crypto assets in anticipation of digital transformations. The party champions an innovation-friendly approach to blockchain and digital assets, viewing blockchain technology as a driver of transparency, efficiency, and growth across various sectors. Renew Europe supports the development of a digital euro to bolster the EU's competitiveness, maintain financial inclusion, and enhance Europe's strategic autonomy in the payments sector. The party also underscores the significance of a European digital identity for trust and security in digital transactions.

European Conservatives and Reformists Group (ECR) - 73 Seats

The ECR Group, representing conservative and reformist principles, adopts a pragmatic and cautious stance on cryptocurrency. While acknowledging the potential of blockchain and cryptocurrencies for economic growth and modernization, the ECR emphasizes the importance of integrating cryptocurrencies into a diverse financial ecosystem. The group supports the MiCA regulation but advocates for stringent Anti-Money Laundering measures to prevent misuse. In contrast to other groups, the ECR is skeptical about the digital euro, citing concerns over its necessity and risks.

Identity and Democracy (ID) - 58 Seats

The ID Group, known for its populist and nationalist tendencies, does not have an official position on digital currencies and blockchain. However, member parties within the group have expressed varying views, with some opposing the digital euro due to concerns over privacy and government surveillance. The ID Group's stance on cryptocurrencies ranges from opposition to advocating for strict regulation.

Greens/European Free Alliance (Greens/EFA) - 53 Seats

The Greens/EFA Group does not have a unified policy on cryptocurrencies or blockchain. While supporting the principles of subsidiarity and the MiCA regulation, the group emphasizes the importance of allowing member states and regions to legislate on taxation and sector-specific measures. The Greens/EFA are cautious about the environmental impact of certain cryptocurrencies and advocate for a sustainable approach to blockchain technology.

The Left in the European Parliament (GUE/NGL) - 36 Seats

The Left group expresses strong criticism of cryptocurrencies, citing concerns over their potential to facilitate illicit activities and worsen economic inequality. Considering crypto assets as an ecological disaster, the Left group calls for stringent regulations, supporting the adoption of a digital euro to enhance public control over the monetary system and ensure economic justice.


Non-Inscrits are MEPs not affiliated with recognized political groups. Notable among them are Volt Europa and the European Christian Political Movement, each with distinct views on cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology.

Balancing innovation with regulatory oversight will be a key challenge for the newly elected European Parliament. As debates unfold and frameworks like MiCA are reviewed, the varying perspectives of political groups will shape the regulatory landscape for crypto and blockchain industries in the EU.


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