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Implications of Standard Chartered Bank's Bitcoin Analysis

Jul 2, 2024

Implications of Standard Chartered Bank's Bitcoin Analysis

A notable projection from Standard Chartered Bank suggests a substantial uptick in the value of Bitcoin, indicating a likelihood of it reaching record levels by August, and potentially surging to $100,000 before the U.S. presidential elections in November. This foresight derives from an analysis of past data and ongoing market trends in the cryptocurrency realm.

Bitcoin's Market Outlook

Geoffrey Kendrick, overseeing forex and digital asset research at Standard Chartered, envisions a forthcoming peak for Bitcoin within the next month. Kendrick anticipates a rise to $100,000, particularly if Joe Biden maintains his candidacy and engages in a face-off with Donald Trump.

Standard Chartered's evaluation suggests that a triumph for Trump could work in Bitcoin's favor. The institution notes that the Trump administration might exhibit a positive outlook on cryptocurrency regulation and mining, potentially elevating Bitcoin's valuation.

Scenario of Biden's Exit

Kendrick also delved into the scenario of Joe Biden's departure from the race. He cautioned that this could lead to a dip in Bitcoin values to approximately $50,000-55,000. However, if an alternative Democratic contender, such as Michelle Obama, enters the race, the impact on Bitcoin's value might be less severe.

The crucial date to mark on the calendar is August 4, the deadline for presidential candidates to enroll according to Ohio law. If Biden remains in contention by this date, it is likely that he will persist as a candidate through November.

Essential Insights for Bitcoin Stakeholders

According to the insights put forth by Standard Chartered:

  • Bitcoin's value could touch $100,000 by November with Biden's candidacy.
  • A triumph for Trump could boost Bitcoin's value due to favorable regulatory and mining conditions.
  • If Biden withdraws, Bitcoin's value may recede to $50,000-55,000.
  • The pivotal date for a potential withdrawal by Biden is August 4.

Wrapping Up

Reiterating his forecast in early June, Kendrick expressed the likelihood of Bitcoin hitting $150,000 by the close of 2024, possibly joining the market cap club of $3 trillion. Stakeholders are advised to keep a watchful eye on political developments and market trends for informed decision-making.


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