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Innovative Bitcoin Layer 2 Payment Network by Ark Labs

Jun 4, 2024

Innovative Bitcoin Layer 2 Payment Network by Ark Labs

Ark Labs has commenced the development of a novel Bitcoin Layer 2 payment network based on the Ark protocol. This initiative by Ark is focused on providing users with a simplified and self-custodial solution for Bitcoin Layer 2 transactions without the necessity of managing nodes, payment channels, or liquidity.

Initially introduced in 2023, the Ark protocol aims to deliver a scalable Bitcoin Layer 2 solution that collaborates with the Lightning Network, aiming to enhance user experience by offering a streamlined approach while ensuring custody.

CEO of Ark Labs, Marco Argentieri, expressed his optimism, stating, "With the establishment of Ark Labs, we are bringing Ark into reality, enabling users to promptly benefit from seamless and scalable operations."

Understanding Ark Protocol

In the realm of the Ark protocol, users are relieved from the burden of managing payment channels and liquidity flows, unlike the intricate setup required by the Lightning Network. This protocol comprises a network of Ark Service Providers (ASPs) that users can seamlessly connect with through Ark-compatible wallets.

The ASPs within the Ark ecosystem function as trustless servers, offering users access to "virtual transactions" upon deposit. These transactions can be transferred at minimal costs between users associated with the same ASP, forwarded over Lightning to users linked with different ASPs, or utilized on-chain whenever needed.

Ark Labs, the driving force behind this innovative network, received financial backing from Vulpem Ventures, a bitcoin-native financial services company. The project is spearheaded by a proficient team of Bitcoin developers, dedicated to revolutionizing the Bitcoin payment landscape.


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