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Japan to Review Crypto Regulations, May Ease Taxes and Allow Token ETFs

Sep 30, 2024
  1. Overview of the Initiative
  2. Possible Reduction in Crypto Taxes
  3. Impact on the Industry

Japan will reevaluate its cryptocurrency regulations, potentially easing taxes on digital assets and opening the door for domestic investment funds focused on tokens.

Overview of the Initiative

According to a Bloomberg report, the Financial Services Agency (FSA) will conduct a review in the coming months to assess whether the current regulatory framework, the Payment Services Act, is sufficient. The FSA aims to determine if existing rules offer adequate investor protection, given that digital tokens are now primarily used for investment.

Possible Reduction in Crypto Taxes

The review could lead to reclassifying cryptocurrencies under the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, which governs financial securities. As a result, taxes on digital assets may be reduced from 55% to 20%. This could attract domestic investment funds focused on tokens.

This reclassification could bring “dramatic changes” to the sector.Yuya Hasegawa, analyst at bitbank Inc.

Impact on the Industry

The FSA initiative responds to industry calls for easing regulations that hinder innovation. It could create favorable conditions for the growth of the cryptocurrency market in Japan and attract international investors.

Reviewing Japan's crypto regulations could generate significant opportunities for market development and attract new investments, while lower taxes would enhance the appeal of digital assets to investors.


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