Jasmy, a Japanese tech company, aims to revolutionize IoT data management through blockchain and decentralization technologies.
The Vision Behind Jasmy
Jasmy seeks to realize a 'Data Democracy', where data is protected and owned by individuals. In today's technology-driven world, personal data is a valuable resource that Jasmy aims to keep under the control of its creators rather than companies.
Technical Architecture of the Jasmy Platform
The Jasmy platform operates on a dual blockchain setup: Hyperledger Fabric and Ethereum. This ensures enterprise-level security and scalability for IoT solutions. Key technologies used are: - Blockchain for transparent data tracking - Internet of Things (IoT) for data collection - Edge Computing for local data processing, enhancing security
Key Components of the Jasmy Ecosystem
Jasmy's ecosystem revolves around three main components: - Personal Data Locker (PDL): A secure user-controlled data repository - Secure Knowledge Communicator (SKC): Provides data management and access control through verification - Smart Guardian (SG): Securely connects user identities with IoT devices
Jasmy presents innovative solutions for personal data management, merging blockchain with IoT. The company is expanding its technological capabilities into decentralized data management and further into AI technologies with the JANCTION project.