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John Bigatton’s Confession About Unlicensed Financial Services

May 18, 2024

Residing in Carss Park, New South Wales, Australia, John Bigatton admitted in Sydney District Court to providing unlicensed financial services. Bigatton's involvement relates to promoting BitConnect, an inactive cryptocurrency platform. The case details Bigatton's activities promoting the platform, including hosting seminars and social media posts.

Referral to Court Due to Lack of License

Bigatton's lack of an Australian Financial Services license for his activities was a significant issue. This violation led to legal consequences under section 911B(1) of the Corporations Act. The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) referred the case to the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions (CDPP) for prosecution, focusing on Bigatton's unlicensed promotional activities related to BitConnect.

The outcome of the plea on the charge of operating an unregistered managed investment scheme will be established at Bigatton's sentencing hearing scheduled for July 5, 2024. Acknowledging his guilt may influence the severity of his sentencing. However, this incident underscores the significance of adhering to regulatory frameworks within the cryptocurrency sphere, displaying the repercussions for unlawful conduct.

Importance of Investigations in Combating Cryptocurrency Crimes

Legal investigations play a crucial role in averting cryptocurrency-related offenses. They aid in identifying and preventing illicit cryptocurrency use, examining crypto transactions, highlighting suspicious activities, and engaging in legal proceedings. By enhancing trust and transparency, such investigations can foster broader acceptance and utilization of cryptocurrencies.


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