John McAfee, renowned for his eccentric actions and statements in the crypto world, is once again at the center of attention. This time, his presence was announced as artificial intelligence — AIntivirus.
Return through AIntivirus
On January 23, a surprising message appeared on John McAfee's X account, raising many questions. The post declared: 'I'm back with AIntivirus. An AI version of myself. You didn't think I would miss this cycle did you?' This statement was accompanied by a reference to the project's official token. Initially, the blockchain security firm PeckShield reported the account was hacked, but later retracted its statement.
From Viruses to Cryptocurrencies
McAfee started his career as a programmer and antivirus software developer, releasing his first product in 1987. By 1994, he sold his stake in McAfee Associates. Over the years, he launched numerous projects, but cryptocurrencies received his particular focus. Alongside aggressive marketing campaigns for crypto projects, McAfee was known for bold statements, such as predicting Bitcoin's rise to $500,000.
John McAfee's Legacy
Despite numerous legal issues, John McAfee left a notable impact on the worlds of cryptocurrency and cybersecurity. His ambiguous contribution made him a cult figure with both supporters and detractors. After his death, many remember him as one of the most enigmatic personalities in cryptocurrency history. Although his last project, McAfee DEX, closed, he continues to draw public attention through the AIntivirus project. Despite his contentious legacy, McAfee will be remembered as one of the most eccentric figures of his time.
John McAfee remains an influential figure in the modern world, returning to the tech scene as AI and continuing to impact the crypto industry.