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Kim Dotcom Plans to Fight US Extradition

Aug 16, 2024
  1. Case Context
  2. Dotcom's Reaction
  3. Legal Support

Kim Dotcom, the founder of the now-defunct file-sharing site Megaupload and crypto platform BitCache, plans to contest an order to extradite him to the US to face criminal charges. This article outlines the current status of the case and reactions from Dotcom and his legal team.

Case Context

On August 15, New Zealand Justice Minister Paul Goldsmith signed an extradition order for Kim Dotcom to the US, where he faces charges related to copyright infringement via the Megaupload site. US authorities claim that the site caused over $500 million in damages to movie and music studios.

Dotcom's Reaction

In a post on platform X on August 15, Kim Dotcom declared, 'I love New Zealand. I'm not leaving.' He also shared a message from his legal team indicating plans to contest the extradition. Dotcom criticized New Zealand, referring to it as an 'obedient US colony' and condemned the decision to extradite him.

The obedient US colony in the South Pacific just decided to extradite me for what users uploaded to Megaupload, unsolicited, and what copyright holders were able to remove with direct delete access instantly and without question.

Legal Support

Tech attorney Ira Rothken, one of Dotcom's lawyers, also commented on the situation in a post on platform X, stating that his legal team is working on a judicial review by the High Court in New Zealand. Rothken listed several 'injustices,' including illegal government raids, illegal spying, destruction of evidence, and the blocking of funding by the US.

It all started because I became a large donor to Wikileaks after Julian [Assange] revealed US war crimes with the collateral murder video. And the moment I got out on bail I created Mega and sent the first $100k I made to Wikileaks. I would do it all over again. Fuck the criminal US Govt.Kim Dotcom

Kim Dotcom continues to fight for his freedom despite obstacles and legal mandates. His case underscores the complex issues surrounding copyright infringement and the political dimensions of technology and the internet.


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