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MakerDAO Announces Introduction of New Tokens - NewStable and NewGovToken

May 4, 2024

MakerDAO revealed that it will introduce two new tokens named NewStable and NewGovToken into its system. These tokens were announced in March to encourage broader participation in governance activities.

MakerDAO and Announcement of New Tokens

MakerDAO is a global financial system known for creating the first unbiased currency, DAI. DAI is a leading stablecoin that is overcollateralized, and the ecosystem has decentralized governance, increasing its value. Despite controversies surrounding algorithmic stablecoins, DAI has maintained a clear path.

The DAI stablecoin is backed by cryptocurrencies and stablecoins like USDC. Launched in 2017 on the Ethereum blockchain, DAI is pegged to the US dollar. Users can take out loans in DAI by collateralizing with other cryptocurrencies.

MakerDAO has taken a significant step by announcing the launch of two new tokens to enhance its governance model. These tokens, NewStable and NewGOV, will be introduced after the brand reveal event.

NewStable and NewGOV

NewStable is an improved version of DAI designed for wider adoption and greater stability. The official name of NewStable will be disclosed at the upcoming brand reveal event. On the other hand, NewGOV is focused on enhancing governance within the ecosystem to encourage more user participation in decision-making processes.

Users can easily convert their existing tokens to NewStable from DAI and revert back if needed. For NewGOV, 1 MKR can be converted to 24,000 NGT. This redenomination aims to boost user engagement in governance activities.

The two new tokens will not replace DAI and MKR but will serve as an expansion. Users will have the option to transition to the new tokens.

Holders of NST can partake in farming NGT, with 600 million NGT available annually to participating NST holders. Farming is not accessible to US users or those using VPN services. The strategic supply of NewGOV tokens has been redenominated compared to MKR.

What's Next?

Participants in token farming or conversion will gain access to various benefits, including new features and opportunities. Transitioning to the new tokens will provide users with access to the latest functions within the ecosystem.

The introduction of new tokens offers users flexibility and choice, allowing them to select from available options. These tokens serve as a gateway to future products and services, providing access to a growing ecosystem. Stay connected with the Maker Ecosystem for updates.


MakerDAO's announcement of the NewStable and NewGOV tokens aims to simplify and enhance user experiences within the system. Expect more details at the upcoming brand reveal event.


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