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MetaMask's Expansion: BTC and SOL Support, Metal Card, and Security Enhancements

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by Giorgi Kostiuk

3 hours ago

MetaMask, the popular Ethereum wallet, announced significant updates to expand its functionality. Supporting Bitcoin and Solana and introducing new features will bolster MetaMask's position in the industry.

Bitcoin and Solana Support

Traditionally an Ethereum-focused wallet, MetaMask announced support for Bitcoin and Solana. Users will now be able to store BTC, SOL, and ETH in one wallet, eliminating the need for multiple wallets.

MetaMask Metal Card

The MetaMask Metal Card is set to launch in mid-March, initially in the UK and EU, followed by select US states. Key features include the ability to spend crypto wherever Mastercard is accepted and earn staking rewards.

Smart Transactions and Security Enhancements

MetaMask is implementing batched transactions that will allow users to approve and execute swaps in one click, reducing gas fees. Security enhancements also include multi-signature wallets and two-factor authentication to prevent unauthorized access.

MetaMask's new features aim to improve cryptocurrency interactions, streamline transactions, and enhance security. This move could significantly change user perception and usage of the platform.



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