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Monetary Authority of Singapore's User Protection Amendment in the Digital Payment Sector

Apr 2, 2024

Today, on April 2, 2024, amidst a significant downturn in the cryptocurrency market, the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) introduced amendments to the Payment Services Act (PS Act). These amendments aim to broaden the oversight of payment services and impose user protection and financial stability requirements on providers of digital payment tokens (DPTs).

The primary reason for MAS's amendment to the PS Act is to enhance user protection and financial stability within Singapore's digital payment landscape. The key aspects of this amendment are as follows:

  • Expanded Scope of Regulation: The amendments now cover various activities, such as custodial services for DPTs, DPT transmission and exchange, and cross-border money transfers, even if funds do not pass through Singapore.
  • Imposition of Requirements: MAS has been granted authority to enforce stringent measures concerning anti-money laundering, countering the financing of terrorism, user protection, and financial stability on DPT service providers. These measures are vital for upholding Singapore's financial system's integrity.
  • Transitional Arrangements: Entities engaged in activities now regulated under the PS Act have been provided with transitional arrangements. They must inform MAS within 30 days, apply for a license within six months, and submit an external auditor's report within nine months while awaiting MAS's review.
  • Safeguarding of Assets: The amended Payment Services Regulations emphasize the protection of customers' assets. This includes segregating assets in trust accounts, maintaining accurate records, and implementing robust systems and controls to safeguard customer assets.

The Aim of MAS in the Digital Payment Sector

Through this amendment, MAS showcases its dedication to safeguarding users' assets and fostering innovation in the evolving cryptocurrency landscape while upholding a regulatory framework. The goal is to boost customer confidence and ensure the long-term stability and development of Singapore's digital payment industry.

This move by Singapore could potentially attract crypto-related businesses from around the globe, especially amidst the current downturn in the cryptocurrency market where major assets like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Solana have experienced significant drops.


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