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Mt. Gox Repays Creditors in Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash After 10 Years

Jul 5, 2024

In a significant development, Mt. Gox, the well-known cryptocurrency exchange that filed for bankruptcy in 2014, has recently initiated the process of repaying its creditors. After a prolonged wait, the reimbursements have been conducted in Bitcoin (BTC) and Bitcoin Cash (BCH) via various cryptocurrency platforms.

Repayment Procedure Overview

As per an earlier publicized communication from Mt. Gox, later made private, the company outlined the necessary steps for the repayment process. Creditors were instructed to verify their registered accounts and obtain approval from the exchanges regarding power of attorney agreements. Upon meeting these requirements, the repayments were carried out.

Initial reports suggest that Mt. Gox holds a total of 142,000 BTC and 143,000 BCH, along with an undisclosed sum of cash. This substantial repayment endeavor signifies a vital resolution for numerous creditors who have been anticipating this moment for nearly a decade.

Analysis of Blockchain Data

On July 5, around 1:00 PM, blockchain monitoring data unveiled significant transfers from a cold wallet associated with Mt. Gox. Notably, 1,544.67 BTC, valued at approximately 13.4 billion yen, and 1,157.1 BTC were dispatched to different destinations, including transfers to the local cryptocurrency exchange Bitbank.

BitBank and SBIVC Trade were designated as trustees tasked with managing the assets and ensuring equitable distribution to Mt. Gox creditors. These entities played a pivotal role in overseeing the intricate logistics of the repayment process.

This historic event marks the conclusion of a notorious chapter in the realm of cryptocurrencies. Mt. Gox, once responsible for handling more than 70% of global Bitcoin transactions, succumbed to a significant hack and subsequent operational failures. The restitution made to creditors in BTC and BCH reflects a long-awaited closure for many impacted by the downfall of the exchange.


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