The Musk It (MUSKIT) meme token, launched by Elon Musk's father Errol Musk, surged dramatically, reaching a market cap of $500 million in just minutes.
Sudden Surge of MUSKIT
On January 30, the token's price jumped from $0.014 to $0.48, skyrocketing over 3,500% in minutes. However, the price spike did not last long and soon decreased.
Project Goals and Errol Musk's Involvement
MUSKIT was launched in December 2024 with the aim to raise over $200 million for a new for-profit think tank called the Musk Institute. The project is backed by Errol Musk, but Elon Musk has not stated any involvement with the token.
Current Market Situation
According to Coinmarketcap, MUSKIT is currently trading at $0.035, still up 222% in the past 24 hours. Its market cap is around $35 million. Despite no comments from Elon Musk, his father claims the token will be used to fund a think tank focused on engineering projects.
Despite the volatility in price and uncertainty regarding Elon Musk's participation, MUSKIT token continues to draw interest. Its future impact on the cryptocurrency market remains to be seen.