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Growth of Nigeria's Telecom Sector in the Last Five Years

Sep 4, 2024
  1. Telecom Growth Over Five Years
  2. Decline of the Oil Sector
  3. Strengthening Role of Finance and Insurance

Nigeria’s economic landscape has experienced significant shifts for a couple of decades as relatively emerging sectors such as technology and digital services gain prominence alongside traditional industries like agriculture, finance, and oil. We will examine the contributions of these sectors to the nation’s GDP over the past five years (2019-2024), highlighting changes in economic power and growth potential shaping Nigeria’s future.

Telecom Growth Over Five Years

Over the past five years, the telecom sector has transitioned from a supporting role to a central player in the economy. Starting at 10.30% of GDP in 2019, it surged to 14.38% by 2023, and further to 16.36% by Q2 2024. This remarkable growth trajectory underscores its pivotal role in driving digital connectivity, enhancing communication infrastructure, and supporting the burgeoning digital economy.

The telecom sector’s explosive growth signifies not just the expansion of ICT but a broader digital transformation that is fundamentally altering the economic fabric.

Decline of the Oil Sector

Contrasting sharply with the telecom sector’s ascent is the oil sector’s decline. Once the bedrock of the economy, contributing 8.78% to GDP in 2019, the oil’s share dwindled to just 5.40% by 2023, with a brief uptick to 6.38% in Q1 2024 before slipping back to 5.70% in Q2 2024. This decline reflects both global shifts towards greener energy sources and domestic diversification efforts.

Strengthening Role of Finance and Insurance

The finance and insurance sector has quietly but steadily grown, from 3.01% of GDP in 2019 to 4.97% in 2023, with a significant leap to 6.81% in Q1 2024, followed by a slight dip to 6.57% in Q2. This sector’s growth is indicative of increased financial inclusion, digital banking innovations, and the rise of fintech solutions.

When viewed together, the data reveals a compelling narrative: the telecom sector is not just another growing sector—it’s at the forefront of a digital revolution that is reshaping the economic landscape. While traditional sectors like oil and agriculture face challenges and finance and insurance steadily climb, telecom is rapidly accelerating, reflecting the economy’s broader shift towards digitalization.


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