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North Korea Strengthens Ties with BRICS Amid Growing Relations with Russia

Sep 25, 2024
  1. A Closer Relationship with the BRICS
  2. Immense Challenges to Overcome
  3. Conclusion

In an increasingly polarized world, geopolitical alliances play a crucial role in redefining power balances. North Korea, traditionally isolated on the international stage, seems to be intensifying its efforts to align with economic blocs like the BRICS, in the context of growing ties with Russia. This strategy could have major implications for Pyongyang’s diplomacy and global geopolitics.

A Closer Relationship with the BRICS

On September 19, 2023, Choe Son-hui, North Korea’s Foreign Minister, deliberately chose not to attend the United Nations General Assembly in New York to go to a forum related to the BRICS in Russia. This decision reflects Pyongyang’s intention to strengthen its ties with this economic bloc, which brings together emerging powers such as Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. During this event, discussions on strengthening partnerships took place, and North Korea’s alignment with Russia seems to be intensifying, marking a strategic turning point.

Analysts believe that North Korea is seeking to position itself within new global alliances to escape this isolation.Lim Eul-chul, a specialist in North Korean affairs

Immense Challenges to Overcome

Indeed, although North Korea shows interest in closer collaboration with the BRICS, several obstacles stand in its way. On the one hand, its complex relationships with China, an influential member of the BRICS, complicate its ambitions. According to Cho Han-bum of the Korean Institute for National Unification, diplomatic tensions with Beijing could seriously hinder any attempt by North Korea to integrate formally into this group. On the other hand, even if economic ties between Pyongyang and Moscow are strengthening, North Korea’s membership prospects remain low. The current context of international sanctions, particularly financial restrictions, makes it difficult for Kim Jong-un’s regime to comply with the BRICS requirements.

North Korea’s willingness to align with the BRICS marks an important turning point in its diplomacy. However, the obstacles related to economic sanctions and tensions with some members of this bloc make formal integration unlikely in the short term. Nonetheless, this rapprochement demonstrates Pyongyang’s efforts to move away from its traditional diplomatic isolation by exploring strategic alliances that could alter its positioning on the international stage.


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