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OpenAI Announces GPT-Next: 100 Times More Powerful

Sep 4, 2024
  1. Architectural Enhancements of GPT-Next
  2. Rapid Growth of ChatGPT
  3. Japan's Role in OpenAI's Innovations

At the KDDI Summit 2024, Tadao Nagasaki, CEO of OpenAI Japan, disclosed that the upcoming GPT-Next model would be 100 times more powerful than GPT-4. These improvements are brought about by architectural changes.

Architectural Enhancements of GPT-Next

The new model is said to include a scaled-down version of the still mysterious OpenAI Project Strawberry. This project is said to help improve the efficacy of the next-generation AI model. This shift in focus from raw computing power to architectural enhancements represents a significant change in OpenAI’s philosophy of AI development.

Rapid Growth of ChatGPT

Nagasaki explained that as AI technology is rapidly growing, it is vital for GPT-Next and similar models to advance at the same pace. He noted that ChatGPT has been widely used by people and had 200 million active users by the end of August. This current achievement places ChatGPT as the fastest software in history to acquire a user base of 100-200 million active users. Nagasaki attributed this to the simplicity of the platform, which has made it easy for many people to engage with the technology. He also pointed out that people are increasingly choosing ChatGPT Enterprise for their companies.

The simplicity of the platform has enabled more people to engage with ChatGPT technology.Tadao Nagasaki

Japan's Role in OpenAI's Innovations

Nagasaki also mentioned that OpenAI chose Japan as its first base in Asia. He explained the rationale behind this decision by pointing to Japan’s traditional passion for innovations and new technologies. Due to the country’s long history of supporting technological innovation, OpenAI’s goal of driving advancement in the AI field complements the country’s vision. Besides its business activities in Japan, the company is well-established in the United States and the United Kingdom. Its base in Japan shows that OpenAI appreciates Japan’s role in the global AI map. OpenAI has around 2,000 employees worldwide, with 50% of them working on AI development. Nagasaki shared that he was the CEO of Amazon Web Services Japan from 2011 to 2024, and his long years of experience in the tech industry led him to his current position as the CEO of OpenAI Japan since April of this year.

As highlighted by Cryptopolitan, OpenAI is working towards developing the required infrastructure to support the fast growth of artificial intelligence. The company has laid down a plan to expand its operations across several US states, with an estimated investment of tens of billions of dollars.


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