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Overview of Sui Name Service and its Features

Jun 28, 2024

Name Services in the Crypto World

The concept of name services in the cryptocurrency realm has gained significant popularity for valid reasons. This innovation enables users to assign human-readable names to their digital wallets. Almost all major blockchains incorporate some form of name service, and Sui is no exception, offering its own version called the Sui Name Service (SuiNS).

Understanding Sui Name Service

The Sui Name Service serves as a platform that provides easily recognizable identifiers for users. Instead of using the complex string of alphanumeric characters that constitute a wallet address, such as 0xd77861e972e02feb0927611eb934b67a1f9e60782e36cdef61f6779919b6a8cd, users can opt for a simpler format like 'John.sui.' However, with the latest upgrade to V2, the naming convention has evolved to feature the use of '@john,' making the names more user-friendly and memorable.

Users are encouraged to be creative with their chosen names, incorporating personalized touches like '@cryptoninja' or '@masterofsui.' The registration fee for a name is currently set at 20 $SUI per year, extendable up to 5 years. It's important to note that shorter names come at a higher registration cost, following the general trend in name services.

SuiNS operates within the Sui ecosystem while also being an integral part of Mysten Labs. This entity, responsible for the development of Sui and the Sui Wallet, utilizes the Move programming language, derived from Meta's now-defunct Diem blockchain. The user interface of SuiNS is user-friendly, enhancing the overall experience for users.

The Evolution to Sui Name Service V2

One of the significant milestones for the Sui Name Service was the transition to the V2 version, which took place in mid-June 2024. This upgrade brought about simplification in the naming structure, replacing 'john.sui' with '@john,' highlighting Sui's commitment to user convenience.

A key aspect of the V2 system is its compatibility with both Web2 and Web3 environments, facilitating the integration of Web2 users into the Sui ecosystem. The '@' symbol, commonly used in Web2 contexts, now plays a pivotal role in SuiNS' naming conventions.

Existing SuiNS users are offered a seamless transition process, allowing for interoperability between '.sui' and '@' formats. Notably, NFTs will retain the '.sui' suffix, providing users with flexibility to choose their preferred naming style across the ecosystem.

Introducing SuiNS Subnames

Among the notable features of the Sui Name Service V2 is the introduction of Subnames, enabling users to create customized identities under their primary SuiNS name. This service is cost-free, with users only required to cover gas fees, which align with Sui's commitment to minimal transaction costs.

The incorporation of Subnames supports enhanced organization and hierarchical structures, facilitating the establishment of branded account names for entities like firms and organizations. Nesting of Subnames is also permissible, allowing for the creation of subnames within subnames to enhance organizational structuring.

Furthermore, SuiNS Subnames offer two ownership options: node subnames grant complete control to the owner through an ownership NFT, while leaf subnames provide controlled autonomy without transferring full control from the parent SuiNS name. This feature enables companies to maintain authority over subname distribution, ensuring operational control and flexibility.

SuiNS Subnames and Sui NFTs

The integration of Subnames extends to Sui NFTs, offering unique naming opportunities that distinguish Sui NFTs from counterparts on other chains. Users can assign subnames to assets, simplifying asset management and enhancing user interaction with NFTs. Leveraging Subnames with Sui NFTs streamlines asset transfers and facilitates giveaways, optimizing user engagement.

Concluding Remarks

The transition to Sui Name Service V2 represents a significant advancement in user experience within the Sui ecosystem. By introducing simplified naming conventions and innovative features like Subnames, SuiNS continues to enhance digital identity management and user engagement. The seamless integration of Subnames with Sui NFTs signifies the platform's commitment to facilitating efficient asset management and user interaction, solidifying its position as a user-centric name service provider.


The information presented here is for educational and informational purposes only and should not be construed as financial advice. Readers are encouraged to conduct their research and exercise caution when engaging in cryptocurrency-related activities. This content is sponsored by Sui.


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