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Overview of UAE Central Bank's Payment Token Services Regulation

Jul 5, 2024

The Payment Token Services Regulation was released by the Central Bank of the UAE on June 25, 2024. This regulatory framework, often misunderstood as unfavorable towards cryptocurrencies, actually plays a vital role in shaping the digital asset industry in the UAE.

Advancement of Digital Transactions

The UAE's regulation on payment token services stands out globally as the first comprehensive regulatory framework tailored specifically for stablecoins. While other regions like Singapore and the EU have regulations for virtual assets, the UAE's focus on stablecoins sets it apart.

Importance from the Central Bank's Perspective

Viewed from the Central Bank's perspective, this regulation is crucial for safeguarding the financial system and ensuring alignment with international standards. By attaining a position on the FATF green list, the UAE underscores its commitment to regulatory compliance. Acting as the guardian of financial market stability and currency sovereignty, the Central Bank marks a significant milestone with this regulation.

Guidelines for AED-Backed Stablecoin Issuers

The regulation provides a structured pathway for banks and fintech companies to apply for licenses to issue AED-backed stablecoins. These stablecoins will facilitate payments, tokenization, and cross-border transactions. Issuers are mandated to manage their Dirham reserves prudently to safeguard client funds and ensure stability. Banks are also allowed to invest a portion of their reserves in government securities.

Custody and Conversion Guidelines

Entities seeking to offer custodial services for digital payment tokens must secure a license from the Central Bank. These custodians are entrusted with protecting the private keys of Dirham stablecoins. Any conversion of Dirham stablecoins to other tokens necessitates Central Bank approval.

Issuance of Foreign Currency Stablecoins

The Central Bank remains open to the issuance of foreign currency stablecoins from the UAE, subject to bilateral agreements with foreign regulatory bodies. For instance, issuing a USD-backed stablecoin would involve coordination with the Federal Reserve.

Foreign Payment Token Issuance: Entities outside the UAE, including those in Financial Free Zones, must register as Foreign Payment Token Issuers. While registration with the Central Bank is mandatory, obtaining licenses or maintaining capital requirements is not necessary. Issuers must furnish white papers and off-chain data for review, ensuring that foreign stablecoins are not used for local transactions and preserving financial sovereignty.

Foreign Payment Token Custody: Regulated custodians under SCA and VARA need a No-Objection Certificate (NOC) from the Central Bank for custody services, granting access to off-chain data verification.

Foreign Payment Token Conversion: Exchanges converting foreign payment tokens can operate with an NOC from the Central Bank if they are licensed by SCA and VARA, directing non-licensed entities to the primary regulators for supervision.

Legal Obligations for VASPs

Virtual Asset Service Providers must either delist unregistered stablecoins or act as VASPs under the issuer's umbrella, obtaining an NOC from the Central Bank. Compliance includes providing access to off-chain data, extending to decentralized stablecoins like DAI.

Commodity and Crypto-Backed Stablecoins

Commodity or crypto-backed stablecoins are beyond the Central Bank's jurisdiction and are not meant for direct payments but remain open for investment purposes.

For in-depth details, readers can refer to the comprehensive legal document by KARM Legal Consultants on this subject.


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