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Partnership Between Coinbase and Stripe for Fiat-to-Crypto Integration

Jun 28, 2024

Partnership Between Coinbase and Stripe for Fiat-to-Crypto Integration

Coinbase and Stripe have come together in a collaborative effort to introduce fiat-to-crypto on-ramps and off-ramps for users across both platforms. This strategic alliance, announced on June 27, marks a significant milestone in simplifying cryptocurrency transactions for their shared customer base.

The recent integration includes the incorporation of USD Coin (USDC) on Base as part of Stripe's crypto payouts system. This integration paves the way for faster and more convenient cross-border remittances and settlements of fiat currency equivalents in 150 sovereign jurisdictions.

Moreover, USDC will now be accessible through Stripe’s fiat-to-crypto on-ramp, making it easier for customers to transition from fiat to digital assets seamlessly.

In a reciprocal move, Coinbase is incorporating Stripe's fiat-to-crypto on-ramp to enable users of the payment processor to purchase cryptocurrencies with credit cards or Apple Pay.

Stripe's Fulfillment of Previous Objectives

Earlier this year, John Collison, the co-founder and president of Stripe, assured attendees at the company's Sessions conference about the imminent return of stablecoins to Stripe's ecosystem.

Stripe, known for being among the early adopters of Bitcoin services in 2014, had temporarily ceased support for the digital currency citing its inadequacies as a payment method during that period.

Simultaneously, around the time of Collison's announcement regarding Stripe's reentry into the crypto domain, verified Stripe customers were granted access to the Avalanche C-Chain for purchasing AVAX tokens through the fiat-to-crypto onramp.

Coinbase's Proactive Measures

In recent years, the regulatory landscape in the United States has posed challenges to crypto innovation, with centralized exchanges, digital asset providers, and stablecoins facing increased scrutiny. Stripe, previously involved in Facebook's Libra project, exited the initiative due to regulatory pressures.

On June 27, Coinbase initiated legal proceedings against both the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Federal Trust and Deposit Corporation (FDIC), alleging non-compliance in providing essential documents under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

The lawsuit primarily revolves around the SEC's classification of Ether (ETH) and other cryptocurrencies like Ripple's XRP as unregistered securities and the decision-making process behind that determination.

Furthermore, Coinbase established the “Stand with Crypto” political action committee (PAC) in the U.S., advocating for the industry and its participants. The PAC has garnered substantial support, amassing over 1 million signatures from crypto enthusiasts.


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