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Pi Coin on Binance: Community Support and Questions Arise

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by Giorgi Kostiuk

13 hours ago

The vote for listing Pi Coin on Binance has concluded, sparking significant resonance in the crypto community. Despite high support, the listing remains in question.

Voting Results

From February 17 to 27, 2025, Binance conducted a vote among users regarding the listing of Pi Coin. An overwhelming majority, 87.1% of participants, voted in favor, while only 12.9% opposed it. Despite the voting results, Binance has yet to confirm the listing, citing the need for further evaluation.

Reaction from Pi Network

Pi Network News Global expressed dissatisfaction with Binance's actions, claiming there is talk of another vote despite one already being held in February 2025. The community of Pi Network, known as Pioneers, actively participated in the vote by creating accounts on Binance and depositing funds. They note that Pi Network showed unprecedented levels of community support with over 800,000 votes. 'No Shiba, no Doge, no Pepe, no Ethereum, no BNB, no Solana would have received as strong support as Pi Network. We have redefined the crypto community,' stated Pi Network News Global.

No Shiba, no Doge, no Pepe, no Ethereum, no BNB, no Solana, would have received as strong a vote as the Pi Network. We have redefined the crypto community.

Future Cooperation

Pi Network News Global suggested the need for creating their own exchange, such as 'Pinance', to avoid exploitation by other platforms. They emphasize that the only appropriate step for Binance is to list Pi Coin to maintain credibility. While Pi Network doesn't wholly depend on Binance, its community is determined to achieve justice.

The fate of Pi Coin's listing on Binance remains uncertain. The Pi Network community expresses a strong desire to see the cryptocurrency on the largest exchange, highlighting the importance of transparency and fairness from such platforms.



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