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Pi Network Mainnet Launch Rumors - Overview

Jun 28, 2024

The Pi project has created a buzz with the announcement of its network mainnet launch, but recent rumors have brought additional attention to the project. Speculations hint at a possible delay in the Pi Network mainnet launch, with talks of a Decentralized Exchange (DEX) preceding the mainnet release. Despite the lack of token value and official updates on the mainnet launch, the idea of integrating a decentralized exchange remains uncertain.

The circulation of rumors linking Pi to a DEX alongside mainnet launch discussions can be attributed to the Pi Network shilling team—an active group dedicated to sharing daily updates to engage the community. This team plays a significant role in sustaining excitement among Pi Coin holders.

Previously, the Pi shilling team sparked a rumor involving billionaire tycoon Elon Musk joining the Pi project and initiating Pi Coin payments on social media platform X. The absence of any response from X or Musk debunked these claims, indicating no partnership with the Tesla CEO.

Despite uncertainties, there is a prevailing belief that Pi Coin could trade between 30 to 50 rupees upon launch. The community's strong engagement reflects optimism regarding the upcoming mainnet launch and the potential trading of Pi Coin.

Official Communication from the Pi Development Team on Mainnet Launch

The Pi development team recently shared an official update on their social media platform X, confirming their readiness for the Pi Network mainnet launch. Notably, the absence of the previously speculated June 28 mainnet launch date in the latest communication suggests a delay in the launch. While the community eagerly awaits further details, the uncertainty surrounding the mainnet launch continues to keep Pi Coin holders on edge.

Also Read: Pi Network Excitement Grows Amid Mainnet Launch and Rumors


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