Pi Network has announced the extension of the KYC and Mainnet migration deadline to February 28, 2025. This extension aims to provide pioneers with time to secure their Pi coins by completing necessary steps.
Reasons for the KYC Extension
The main reasons for the extension include: - Increase participation: More pioneers will have the chance to complete KYC and migrate to Mainnet. - Address technical issues: Additional time will allow users to resolve verification challenges. - Strengthen the network: A larger verified user base will enhance the security and robustness of the Pi ecosystem.
Consequences of Missing the Deadline
Pioneers missing the February 28 deadline will retain only the Pi mined in the last six months. Older mined coins will be forfeited. It's crucial for pioneers to meet deadlines to maintain their stake in the decentralized system.
Rationale and Impact of Extension
Pi Network emphasizes the importance of the Grace Period for maintaining a real-user-driven decentralized system. This extension helps prevent unverified accounts from affecting the network’s integrity and scalability.
It is emphasized that this new extension might be the last one. Pioneers need to act quickly to safeguard their coins before 2025.