Recent research has confirmed the high accuracy of the blockchain-based prediction platform Polymarket, showing a 90% success rate.
90% Success Rate
Research by New York-based data scientist Alex McCullough revealed that Polymarket is 90.5% accurate one month before market resolution, 89.2% accurate one week before, and 88.6% accurate a day before. The platform also shows 90.2% accuracy 12 hours before market resolution and reaches 94.2% four hours before the bets end.
Long-Term Markets Have Higher Accuracy
McCullough discovered that markets become more accurate over time; however, this is not reflected until four hours before resolution. He observed that longer-term markets tend to have more certain outcomes.
Causes of Existing Bias
Causes of bias on Polymarket include herd mentality, low liquidity, and acquiescence bias. These factors lead to an overestimation of the likelihood of most events and to markets resolving to 'Yes' less frequently than expected.
Polymarket's prediction platform shows high prediction accuracy, but some factors continue to influence its results. Further study of these factors will help enhance prediction accuracy.