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PumpSwap's Rapid Growth in Solana DEX Market, Raydium Keeps Leadership

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by Giorgi Kostiuk

3 days ago

PumpSwap, a decentralized exchange on Solana, has achieved record-breaking numbers with a daily volume of $426 million and 243,000 users. However, its market share is still behind the leader Raydium.

From Obscurity to Dominance

PumpSwap's journey started with modest trading volumes of just $1,380 on March 15. After a quiet start, trading volumes skyrocketed on March 19, reaching $53.4 million in a single day. Activity peaked on March 24 with 4.2 million swaps and a highest daily volume of $426 million, a staggering 30,000x increase over 10 days.

PumpSwap vs. Raydium: A Growing Rivalry

Raydium, in response to the burgeoning competition, announced the launch of a meme coin launching platform, LaunchLab, further intensifying the rivalry. Despite this, Raydium's market share fell from 60% to 46.1% in March, while PumpSwap's grew to 14.5% from an initial 2.5%.

The Future of PumpSwap on Solana

PumpSwap has solidified its presence in the Solana ecosystem with record trading volumes and user activity. It remains to be seen whether it can maintain this growth and exert further influence over Raydium's dominance.

PumpSwap has proven its viability in the Solana market, but its long-term prospects still depend on the ability to sustain and build upon its achievements, as well as changes in market share and user activity.



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