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RedStone Partnership with Web3Port and Whisper Not Confirmed

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by Giorgi Kostiuk

12 hours ago

The modular DeFi oracle RedStone has denied rumors of partnering with the web3 acceleration platform Web3Port and market maker Whisper.

Denial of Collaboration

RedStone has officially stated that the rumors of collaboration with Web3Port and Whisper are untrue. According to the company, neither of these entities influences their market operations or has provided services to RedStone.

Potential Consequences

RedStone explains why any associations with these entities may have negative consequences, as both Web3Port and Whisper have been linked to recent controversies surrounding the manipulation of trading volumes.

Current Partnerships

RedStone continues its collaboration with reputable firms such as Keyrock and Auros, which provide liquidity across major crypto exchanges. These partners undergo stringent checks as part of the Guard program.

RedStone has successfully maintained its reputation by dispelling false partnership rumors.



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