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Return of Ordinals on the Bitcoin Network: Remarkable Rebound

Sep 25, 2024
  1. Spectacular Growth of Ordinals
  2. Contrast with the Main NFT Market
  3. Implications for the Digital Asset Ecosystem

The recent resurgence of Ordinals on the Bitcoin network marks a turning point in the digital asset ecosystem. While the traditional NFT market struggles to regain its former dynamism, Ordinals collections are showing remarkable performance, defying current trends.

Spectacular Growth of Ordinals

After months of being overshadowed by the excitement around Runes, Ordinals are making a strong comeback. The major collections on the Magic Eden platform are recording substantial gains, some even doubling their value in a few weeks. NodeMonkes, for example, saw its floor price shoot up to 0.2 BTC, or about $13,000, while other collections like Quantum Cats and Pizza Ninjas report increases of 10% and 18% respectively. This renewed interest in Ordinals occurs in a context where the Runes protocol seemed to have taken the upper hand, accounting for up to 70% of transaction volume on the Bitcoin chain on August 18.

Contrast with the Main NFT Market

While the Ordinals experience significant growth, the main NFT collections on Ethereum and Solana are struggling to keep up. Giants like CryptoPunks and Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) are showing only marginal gains, or even declines for some popular collections. On Solana, despite some modest increases, enthusiasm remains moderate compared to the excitement observed on the Ordinals side. The renewed success of Ordinals is part of a broader context of dynamism around Bitcoin. Since their creation in early 2023 by Casey Rodarmor, these NFTs have disrupted the ecosystem, giving rise to a market valued at $759 million according to CoinGecko.

Implications for the Digital Asset Ecosystem

The resurgence of Ordinals against the traditional NFT market highlights not only the vitality of the Bitcoin ecosystem but also the rapid evolution of investor preferences in the field of digital assets. Investors seem increasingly attracted to the innovations brought about by Bitcoin-based protocols. The growth of Ordinals confirms their resilience and enduring appeal among investors and collectors.

The return of Ordinals on the Bitcoin network marks a new phase in the development of digital assets, demonstrating the resilience and attractiveness of these collections. Innovations and shifts in investor preferences continue to shape the market.


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