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Ripple Eyes Crypto Wallet Development with New Trademark Filing

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by Giorgi Kostiuk

6 hours ago

Ripple's new trademark filing named 'Ripple Custody' has sparked interest in the crypto community regarding the potential development of a cryptocurrency wallet or custody service.

Ripple's New Trademark Filing

The crypto community has been buzzing about Ripple's recent trademark filing for 'Ripple Custody'. This move implies the development of a cryptocurrency custody solution, creating speculation about the potential release of a user-friendly wallet app by Ripple.

Ripple's Opportunities and Plans

The possibility of a new Ripple wallet has garnered significant interest, as it may expand the company's service offerings. Integrating custody solutions into an accessible wallet could be pivotal for both individual users and institutions. Furthermore, by tapping into the growing area of real-world asset tokenization, Ripple could provide a platform for managing such assets.

Community Reaction and Prospects

The community has positively responded to this innovation, considering it a major step towards increasing cryptocurrency adoption and enhancing user control over digital assets. The emergence of a custodial service from Ripple could strengthen XRP's market position, given its known transaction speed and efficiency in cross-border payments.

Ripple's 'Ripple Custody' trademark application could lead to a significant expansion of the company's product line. More announcements on this topic are expected in the future.



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