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Ripple's Partnership with Decentralized Recovery Alliance

May 9, 2024

Decentralized Recovery Alliance (DeRec) has formed a collaboration with Ripple, XRPL Laboratories, and other ecosystem members like Algorand and Hedera. This partnership aims to establish a more user-friendly and standardized personal data management system in the blockchain industry.

The DeRec initiative is working on a tool that will simplify Web3 accessibility by offering open-source management for personal data like crypto assets, account information, passwords, and digital files. The recently launched DeRec application, created by Hedera's co-founder Leemon Baird, enables users to store encrypted personal information with selected helpers and provides a recovery solution in case of device loss.

Despite the potential vulnerability to a 51% attack, the DeRec application ensures that helpers do not have access to the users' confidential data. It positions itself as an alternative to Ethereum's account abstraction standard ERC-4337, compatible with various Ethereum Virtual Machine networks.

RippleX Senior Vice President Markus Infanger expressed optimism about the partnership, emphasizing the revolutionary impact it could have on user security and adoption in the crypto space. Notable founding members of the Decentralized Recovery Alliance include Ripple, Algorand Foundation, Swirlds Labs, and XRPL Labs.

Various blockchain organizations, industry service providers, and blockchain foundations are part of the alliance, highlighting the broad industry support for the initiative. This collaboration signifies a significant advancement in personal data protection and management within the blockchain ecosystem.


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